Monday, April 8, 2019

My Growth Mindset Research

My Research about Rosa Park

For reading our class have been busy researching about famous people who have had a growth mindset. I got to learn about Rosa Parks and she really inspired me. After we have done the researching we made displays that hold stories about that person. Here is mine.

The Fairy Forest Brochure

My Fairy Forest Brochure

Room 6 has made amazing brochures about sunsmart but we have also been making some other awesome brochures. Mine is about a made up place called 'The Fairy Forest.' This is my brochure.

My Sunsmart Brochure

Sunsmart Brochure

At writing time in room 6 we have been making brochures about staying sunsmart and knowing what to do in the sun. Here is some information: In New Zealand, the summer is the most dangerous season of the year.That is because our ozone layer is failing. The only way to stay safe is to be sunsmart. Staying sunsmart is when you know what to do in the sun. Did you know you can get skin cancer if you get burnt too much? We have learnt that staying sunsmart is so important. This is my brochure.